Public Service Announcement: You can skip the verbiage and scroll straight down to the bottom of this newsletter for the actual list (which this year includes all my recommendations in this week’s edition, instead of being split over two weeks), but I suggest reading through since the material below contains a number of tips that will enhance your buying process sufficiently to make it worthwhile reading.
As you all know by now, these weeks leading up to Pesach are the US kosher wine industry’s busiest, with more kosher wine purchased during this period than the rest of the year combined (in Israel, Rosh Hashana shares the busy season with Pesach). As we recently discussed, the number of kosher wines grows exponentially every year, with over 3,000 different wines produced in 2016 and 2017 expected to increase that by over 15%. Even though this number includes a significant number of “Fake Wines” like 40 different versions of Manischewitz, Cream Malaga and Yayin Patishim, not to mention the infamous Blue Bottled Abomination, the number of great options is vast with plenty of options for the entire palate spectrum of the budding kosher wine lover.
While the macro implications of such proliferation for us kosher oenophiles is awesome, the sea of labels one encounters these days can certainly create a stressful shopping experience, especially during this busy buying season when every seller of wine is inundating consumers with a multitude of options for any type of wine you may be interested in (new, old, red, white, good, bad, etc.) while proclaiming their offers as the best, cheapest and must have. Separating the wheat from among the proverbial chaff continues to be difficult and is exacerbated by the multitude of potential dangers lurking at every point of sale (most of which I discussed in Part I of my Annual Trifecta), making it hard to decide which of these wines are truly worth your hard-earned zlotys.
Additionally, a number of mitigating circumstances add unneeded stress to the decision making process including the unfortunate prevalent tendency of retailers to sell old wines that are well past their prime (i.e. the majority of 2015 (or earlier) vintage Rosé wines), failing to disclose (or even worse, misrepresenting) vintages when advertising wines (they matter) or listing wines that aren’t actually available or in stock as a classic bait-and-switch tactic. As a reminder (and there are exceptions), white wines shouldn’t be sold more than two years past their vintage and red wines three years (unless we are talking about the better and more expensive wines and you are confident about their provenance). As with every industry, caveat emptor!
Since I whole-heartedly believe that wine is supposed to bring pleasure and should not be associated with all the other stressful pre-holiday experiences including grating 30 pounds of potatoes, making 200 matza balls or spending 20 hours inside your oven with a toothbrush making sure no chamtetz remains (true childhood experience), I am happy to present you with my Annual Pesach Kosher Wine Buying Guide which should help alleviate any wine buying associated stress! The Guide covers my recommendations for wines across four price ranges: (1) Under $18, (2) between $18-29.99, (3) between $30-50, (4) Over $50 (a new category) and (5) Moshiach Wines. As most of my readers know, Moshiach Wines are wines that I would proudly serve the Moshiach, were I ever to earn the honor of hosting him at my table. As promised last year, I have added a category for great wines over $50 that aren’t quite at the “Moshiach wine” level and have been left off the guide (and therefore not purchased as often) for years (while being recommended often throughout the year as great wines).
With “the rich grow richer” being as true for the wine world as any other area of life, it will come as no surprise to you that many of the wines & wineries are perennial repeaters on my list (with only the vintage changing and, in the case of the more expensive and Moshiach wines, not even the vintage changes every year). While the adage of even a broken clock is right twice a day doesn’t exactly translate to winemaking, it is however far easier to make a great wine once that a very good wine every year. As such, the wines that make it to this exalted list are typically produced by the better wineries that will also usually be able to maintain their level of excellence on a consistent basis.
As the quality and quantity of top-notch kosher wines continues to grow year over year, compiling this list gets more difficult (since listing every single wine that could be on this list would significantly degrade its usefulness and nearly eliminate its reason for existing in the first place) and the culling process even more painful (even before the impending deluge of complaints with respect to wines left off the list). With less than 5% of available wines on this list, I certainly hope it proves useful in making your Pesach selections. In the event that further narrowing is required, I will also be sending around some of my personal favorites from each of the categories (not necessarily what I believe to objectively be the best – simply the ones I enjoy the most at this specific point in time).
Being an attorney by profession (i.e. my “other” job), I would be remiss in providing this kind of a guide without the following caveats:
- The attached is not a comprehensive list of every wine I believe worthy of your consideration, but rather a curated selection of the better wines available in the different price ranges, each of which I recommend and believe are worthy of your Pesach table – the key word here being “recommend”. I provide weekly recommendations and only write about wines I like, so if I have recently written about a wine – you can buy it in confidence even if it’s not on this list.
- In general, nearly every wine made by Flam, Gvaot, Hajdu, Recanati, Tzora and Yatir is worth buying (with Dalton, Four Gates and Matar all close behind) – otherwise known as “Safe Bet Wineries” so feel free to indulge in their wines that aren’t listed here as well. Additionally, many of last year’s wines are still available on the shelves, are still good (subject to my earlier comments re: vintages) and may simply not have been relisted this year. Check out last year’s list for additional suggestions and/or vintages.
- Some of these wines may only be available either in Israel or the US and are marked as such. While there remain a number of wines that remain in their indigenous countries (e.g. Hajdu and Shira in the US and Mia Luce in Israel), the vast majority of recommendable Israeli wines imported to the US (Shmita excepting) and most of the Herzog/Royal formerly “US Only” wines exported to Israel, making this list more useful across the broadly disparate geographic location of my readers.
- Due to the disparate geographical disbursement of my reader base, the listed vintages may be different depending on which part of the world your shopping cart is located in (although vintages tend to also shift from local retailer to retailer and distributor to distributor, depending on how much of the prior vintage they have left in stock). Especially for Israeli wines, different vintages are available in Israel and outside of Israel. Where more than one vintage is readily available and good, I have listed both (conversely, I have also noted specific vintages to be avoided, as applicable).
- While reaching out to me before deviating from a recommended vintage is always a good idea, given the qualitative fluctuation in recent vintages and growing shipping and storage issues, it is especially important when utilizing this list to purchase vintages other than those specifically listed.
- Prices fluctuate wildly, not only between countries and individual States, but even within the same city (e.g. the five boroughs of New York City), so some of the listed wines may not fall within the listed price points. Online price checking is always a good idea, especially since most retailers worth their salt will match any listed price.
- In order to ensure the practical functionality of this list, I have not included wines that are only available to members of wine clubs (e.g. Hajdu or Covenant) and have severely limited wines that are generally not available at all (or anymore).
With the quality of white wines increasing year over year there are more white wines on the list than in prior years, especially on in the lower price ranges. If you are one of those unfortunate and self-proclaimed “I don’t drink white wine” people, please take this as an opportunity to try something new – I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Despite earning top billing on any self-respecting oenophiles list of favorite holiday customs, the tradition to consume four full cups of wine at the Seder brings with it a host of dilemmas, many of which require advance thought and careful planning. The main problem is that four cups of wine is simply a tremendous amount of wine to consume at one sitting (even for a five hour traditional Seder), exacerbated by imbibing the first two cups in rather rapid fashion and on an empty stomach. Another issue stems from the tradition to use silver goblets as opposed to wine glasses and while the issue is relatively easily remedied for Kiddush by immediately pouring the wine into a proper wine glass following the recital of Kiddush, the wine spends extended time in contact with the silver goblet during the course of the Seder as we go through the lengthy Hagadah. Other issues present themselves in connection with the common practice to focus on only red wines during the Seder and the strong tradition to avoid Mevushal if at all possible.
With the Seder being the most prestigious meal of the Jewish calendar by a huge margin, folks usually try to bring some of their best (and usually the expensive wines) wines to the table. While French wines contain to retain the “most expensive kosher wine” moniker across the board, Israeli and Spanish producers continue to try and best them. In any event, these “best” wines are typically big wines, with plenty of oak and tannin enveloped in rich and ripe fruits. While many of these wines certainly belong in the category of “best kosher wines”, most of them require significant “air time” to achieve their true potential (if not cellaring time – see my comments below re: Moshiach wines) and even then, are not wines to be consumed within the halachically-legislated timeframe for consumption, but rather to be savored, sipped and enjoyed in a relaxed setting. The combination of an empty stomach, the requirement to consume nearly an entire cup of wine rather rapidly and the need of parents to prevent a roomful of over-stimulated children from re-enslaving us all combine to significantly impair one’s ability to properly enjoy such magnificent wines.
In order to avoid finding myself lamenting “wasting” these special treasures without affording them the respect they deserve, I strongly suggest saving the more serious (and expensive wines) for leisurely drinking during the actual Seder meal and the abundance of subsequent holiday meals) while sourcing other good, more “appropriate” wines to use for the four cups. Being somewhat of a conforming traditionalist when it comes to holiday traditions, I stick with red wines for all four cups (many view Rosé as a perfect compromise) and choose my wines based on a few simple principles. It remains a chag and we are celebrating being freed from punishing slavery and our birth as a nation with collective responsibility for each other, so great wine is still a pre-requisite. With the nearly 40 folks at our family Sedarim representing an extremely diverse range of palate preferences, I try to focus on medium-bodied and affordable wines that can be enjoyed immediately and give pleasure without requiring a significant amount of contemplation or oenophilic sophistication. Some of my “go-to” Seder wines over the years have included Israeli Petite Sirah from Dalton and Recanati, the Spanish Capcanes Peraj Petita (try to avoid the mevushal), Galil Mountain’s Yiron and the Rioja Herenza from ElviWines. To the extent you are looking for well-priced and versatile white or Rosé, the Rosé wines from Netofa, Psagot and Dalton are nice (and affordable) options while good white wine options include Sauvignon Blanc from Yarden, O’Dwyers Creek (mevushal to boot), Covenant, Carmel’s 2014 Kayoumi Riesling, the Eva Blanc from Capsouto and Viognier from Dalton or Yatir. While the German Nik Wies Riesling is delightful, my personal preference would be to avoid drinking German wines at the Seder…
During this busy buying season, retailers pull out all the stops to bring in your dollars with big sales everywhere. Between the increasing competition and online availability of most top-notch kosher wines, most wine merchants will match any published price, so always ask your favorite retailer to match the prices you have seen elsewhere and, if you aren’t happy with the price – ask for a discount.
With all the explanations behind us, I wish you all Shabbat Shalom, Chag Kasher V’Samaech and present my:
Annual Pesach Kosher Wine Buying Guide
Under $17.99
With winemaking skills continuing to improve across the board, assisted by increasingly affordable technological advances, the number of quality wines in this price ranges continues to grow every year. Other than a few welcome outliers, the wines in this price range are usually not complex or cellar worthy. With oak barrels being pricy, this price-point includes the highest percentage of white and Rosé wines, as these wines typically spend almost no time in oak thus allowing wineries to charge less for them. In addition to focusing on “Safe Bet” wineries, another good tip is to seek out the less popular varietals like Petite Sirah, Carignan, Petit Verdot, Grenache, Roussanne and Gewürztraminer which usually provide better bang for your buck than Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Chardonnay. As would be expected, most of the wines on these lists qualify as YH Best Buys.
- Baron Herzog, Cabernet Sauvignon, Paso Robles, 2015 [mevushal]
- Baron Herzog, Chenin Blanc, Clarksburg, 2015 [mevushal]
- Borgo Reale, Rosé, 2016 [mevushal]
- Cantina Giuliana, Chianti, 2014 (also the 2016 Costa Toscana Vermentino)
- Capcanes, Peraj Petita, 2014 [avoid the mevushal option]
- Château Les Riganes, Bordeaux, 2014 (mevushal)
- Cotes de Galilee Village, Jacques Capsouto Vignobles, Cuvee Eva Blanc, 2015 [shmita]
- Dalton, Estate, Pinot Gris, 2016 (also the Fume Blanc and 2016 Rosé)
- Dalton, Estate, Petite Sirah, 2014 (also the 2014 Alma Ivory (f/k/a the “White Blend”))
- Domaine Netofa, Netofa, Rosé, 2016
- ElviWines, Herenza, Rioja (Semi-Crianza), 2014
- ElviWines, InVita, 2014, 2016
- Golan Heights Winery, Gilgal (Gamla in Israel), Brut, n.v.
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Sauvignon Blanc, 2016 (also the 2016 Pinot Grigio)
- Goose Bay, Sauvignon Blanc, 2015 [mevushal]
- Hagafen, Sauvignon Blanc, 2016 (also the Lake County Riesling) [mevushal / US]
- Jezreel Valley, Levanim, white Blend, 2014
- Montefiore, Rosé, 2016 (also the 2015 White [shmita / Israel])
- O’Dwyers Creek, Sauvignon Blanc, 2016 [mevushal]
- Oscar Quevedo, Douro, 2014 [mevushal / US]
- Pavolino, Prosecco, n.v. [US]
- Porto Quevedo, Ruby Port, n.v. [US]
- Recanati, Rosé, 2016
- Recanati, Yasmin, White Blend, 2015 [shmita / mevushal]
- Tabor, Adama, Barbera, Rosé, 2016 (also the 2016 Sauvignon Blanc)
- Tabor, Mount Tabor, Chardonnay, 2016
- Teperberg, Vision, White (Off-Dry), 2014
- Terra di Seta, Chianti Classico, 2013
This price range is the sweet spot for me (my initial list in this range had over 150 options before the stressful culling process began). As the price of kosher wine continues to rise to ridiculous levels ($150 is the new $100), there are thankfully a number of wineries that continue to hold steadfast with great quality without pushing prices into the stratosphere and making their wines inaccessible to most folks. It behooves us to show our appreciation with our wallets and indicate by action how appreciative we are to have these affordable options for great wines. Even though the majority of great kosher remain in the “Over $30” price range, there are plenty of great ones here. In general, I find Carmel, Dalton, Elvi, the Golan Heights Winery, Herzog and Recanati to be consistent players in price range (while also having terrific wines in the more expensive brackets).
- Agur, Rosé, 2016 [Israel]
- Alexander, Liza, Chardonnay, 2014
- Bat Shlomo, Sauvignon Blanc, 2015 [shmita]
- Carmel, Single Vineyard, Late Harvest Gewürztraminer, Sha’al, 2010
- Carmel, Single Vineyard, Riesling, Kayoumi, 2014
- Château Fourcas Dupre, 2012 [US]
- Château Roubine, Côtes de Provence, 2016 [US]
- Covenant, Red C, Sauvignon Blanc, 2016
- Dalton, Alma, Scarlet (f/k/a “GSM Blend”) 2013
- Dalton, Alma, Crimson (f/k/a “Bordeaux Blend”), 2013
- Damien Gachot-Monot, Bourgogne, 2010 (also the Côte de Nuits-Villages) [US]
- Ella Valley Vineyards, Chardonnay, 2014
- ElviWines, Herenza, Rioja (Crianza), 2010
- Flam, Classico, 2014 (also the 2016 Rosé)
- Four Gates, Chardonnay, 2013 [US]
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Blanc de Blanc, 2009 (also the 2013 Petit Verdot)
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Single Vineyard, Chardonnay, Odem, 2014 (also 2013 Katzrin Chardonnay)
- Gush Etzion, Lone Oak, Chardonnay, 2014
- Gush Etzion, Spring River, Syrah-Mourvedre-Grenache, 2014
- Gvaot, Gvaot, Merlot, 2014 (also the 2016 Gewürztraminer [Israel])
- Hagafen, Don Ernesto, Beret Rosé, 2016 [mevushal / US]
- Hagafen, Pinot Noir, Coombsville, 2013 [mevushal / US]
- Hagafen, White Riesling, Dry, 2016 [mevushal / US]
- Herzberg, Coteaux de Sitrya, Rosé, 2016
- Herzog, Special Reserve, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alexander Valley, 2014 [mevushal] (also the Chardonnay)
- Jerusalem Winery, Yovel (5777), Har HaTzofim, 2016 (also the 2016 Orange Wine)
- Jerusalem Winery, Gerstein Edition, Chardonnay, 2014 (also the Vintage 2014) [Israel]
- Jezreel Valley, Rosé, 2016
- Joseph Mellot, La Graveliere, Sancerre, 2014 [US]
- Kishor, Savant, Viognier, 2014 (also the 2014 Riesling!)
- Porto Quevedo, Ruby Port, n.v.
- Psagot, Rosé, 2016 (also the 2013 Edom)
- Recanati, Mediterranean Reserve, Petite Sirah, 2014 (also the 2015 Reserve Chardonnay [shmita])
- Recanati, Reserve, Cabernet Sauvignon, Lebanon (David) Vineyard, 2014 (also 2014 Merlot)
- Shiloh, Shor, Barbera, 2014
- Shirah, Vintage Whites, 2015 (also the 2015 Furmint) [US]
- Tabor, Adama II, Storm, 2013
- Teperberg, Essence, Merlot, 2013
- Tzora, Judean Hills, White (and Red), 2014
- Tzora, Shoresh, White, 2015 [shmita]
- Vitkin, Israel Journey, Rosé, 2016
- Yatir, Viognier, 2014 (also the 2016 Rosé [Israel])
While the $18-29.99 range is my personal sweet spot, this range is where the majority of great kosher wine sits. Unfortunately, many of these really should be priced in the lower range but have crept up in price for no justifiable reason. It’s nearly impossible to find a YH Best Buy on this list, even though they are all great wines but at this price range, the wine needs to work a little harder to make the list. As with most higher end wines, especially those with a year or more of barrel aging, they need some time to open up and often the current vintage on the shelf should be regulated to your cellar for a few years since it simply isn’t ready for primetime. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a decanter to ensure that you are obtaining maximum benefit from these wines in the event that you don’t or cannot cellar them before enjoying.
- Adir, Kerem Ben Zimra, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2015 [shmita / Israel]
- Bat Shlomo, Chardonnay, 2014
- Bokobsa Selection, Chavignol, Sancerre, 2012 [US]
- Borgo Reale, Signi, Brunello di Montalcino, 2007 [US]
- Carmel, Mediterranean, 2011
- Château Les Roches de Yon Figeac, 2012 [US]
- Château Marquisat de Binet, Cuvee Abel, Montagne St. Émilion, 2012 [US]
- Château Royaumont, Lalande de Pomerol, 2014
- City Winery, Deep Roots, Petit Verdot, 2013 [US]
- Covenant, Lavan, Chardonnay, 2014 (also the 2014 Red Tribe)
- Covenant, Red C, Rosé, 2016
- Domaine du Castel, “C”, Chardonnay, 2014 (also the 2014 Petite Castel)
- Domaine Netofa, Latour Netofa, Red, 2013 (also the 2014 Latour White [Israel]!)
- Domaine Netofa, Ruby Port, 2012 [Israel]
- Drappier, Carte D’Or, Brut, n.v. (the Carte Blanche as well)
- Earl Christian Bonfils, Gigondas, Grand Reserve, 2014
- Elvi, EL26, 2010 [US]
- Flam, Reserve, Merlot, 2014 [Israel] (also the 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon)
- Four Gates, Chardonnay, 2013 [US]
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Brut, Rosé, 2010
- Gvaot, Gofna Reserve, Pinot Noir, 2014 (also the Chardonnay-Cabernet Sauvignon)
- Hagafen, Brut Cuvee, Late Disgorged, 2012 [mevushal / US]
- Herzog, Eagles Landing, Syrah, Reserve, Paso Robles, 2014 (also the 2015 Pinot Noir) [US]
- Herzog, Special Reserve, Malbec, 2014 [shmita / mevushal / US]
- Hajdu, Petite Sirah, Eaglepoint Ranch, 2015 (also the Syrah) [US]
- Jezreel Valley, Single Vineyard, Carignan, 2014
- Matar, Sauvignon Blanc-Sémillon, 2014 (also the 2014 Chenin Blanc)
- Matar, Cumulus, 2014 (also the 2016 Rosé [Israel])
- Mia Luce, Syrah and Stems, 2015 (also the 2015 CSM) [shmita / Israel]
- Montefiore, Kerem Moshe, 2013
- Ramot Naftaly, Malbec, 2014
- Recanati, Mediterranean Reserve, Carignan, 2014 (also the 2014 Marselan)
- Recanati, Special Reserve, Red, 2014
- Shiloh, Secret Reserve, Merlot, 2014
- Shirah, Bro-Duex, 2014 (also the 2014 One Two Punch) [US]
- Tabor, Limited Edition, 2012
- Tenuta Monchiero, Barolo, 2010 [US]
- Terra di Seta, Assai, Chianti Classico, 2011
- Tura, Heartland, 2014 (also the 2014 Mountain Vista Chardonnay)
- Tzora, Shoresh, Red, 2014 and 2015 [shmita]
- Tzora, Or, 2012 [Israel]
- Yatir, Petit Verdot, 2011
Over $50.01
As I mentioned last year, over the decade or so of producing this guide many deserving wines were left off this list simply because they were priced over $50 and didn’t belong in the exalted “Moshiach Wine” club. While the question of whether any particular wine is “worth it” requires a newsletter of its own, these are great wines that should certainly be viewed as bringing tremendous pleasure while properly honoring your Seder table. Even more applicable than for the $30-50 wines; my comment above with respect to proper aeration and cellaring will make a huge difference in extracting the maximum amount of pleasure from these wines.
- Adir, Plato, 2013
- Bonnet-Ponson, Brut Premier Cru, Champagne, n.v. [US]
- Capcanes, La Flor del Flor, Samso, Carignan, 2014
- Château Giscours, Margaux, 2014
- Château Haut-Condissas, Médoc, 2013
- Château Magrez Fombrauge, Bordeaux, White, 2014 [US]
- Château Malartic-Lagravière, Pessac-Leognan, 2014
- Château Montviel, Pomerol, 2014
- Château Moulin de la Clide, St. Émilion, 2011 [US]
- Château Piada, Sauternes, 2013
- Château Soutard, Saint-Émilion, 2014
- Clos Haut-Peyraguey, Sauternes, 2014 [US]
- Dalton, Matatia, 2013
- Domaine D’Ardhuy, Côtes de Beaune, Village, 2014 [US]
- Domaine Rose Camille, Echo de Roses Camille, Pomerol, 2011 [US]
- ElviWines, Herenza, Rioja, Reserva, 2010 [US]
- Four Gates, Cabernet Franc, 2013 (also the 2013 “regular” Merlot) [US]
- Four Gates, Frere Robaire, 2012 [US]
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Katzrin, 2012
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Single Vineyard, Syrah, Bar’On, 2013
- Gvaot, Gofna Reserve, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2014 (also the 2014 Petit Verdot)
- Herzog, Single Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ink Ranch, 2013 (also the 2014 Spring Mountain) [US]
- Herzog, Special Edition, Cabernet Sauvignon, Clone Six, 2014 [US]
- Lueria, Grand Vital, 2014
- Matar, CB, 2014
- Recanati, Special Reserve, White, 2014
- Shiloh, Mosaic, Exclusive Edition, 2013
- Shirah, Syrah, The Saint and the Barbarian, 2013 (also the 2014 Grenache) [US]
- Teperberg, Legacy, Cabernet Franc, 2013
- Tura, Mountain Peak, 2013
- Yaacov Oryah, Iberian Dream, Gran Reserva, 2011 (also the 2014 Eye of the Storm) [Israel]
- Yatir, Forest, 2011
Moshiach Wines (for more Moshiach Wines, check out my Best Wines of 2016)
Moshiach wines are the really special wines that represent top-notch winemaking and plenty of patience on the consumer’s part to allow the wines the additional aging time in the bottle before the wine showcases all it can be (and the perfection intended by the winemaker). Unfortunately as our world continues to devolve into the pursuit for instant gratification, the terrible crime of consuming high-end wines shortly after they are purchased is a crying shame. While certain top tier wines are structured for immediate consumption and long-term aging, a few years of aging nearly always does good things for these wines and is worth the extra time, effort and patience. With the continued global expansion of my Rosh Chodesh Club concept (over 20 regular monthly meetings worldwide), more and more folks and getting to experience the immense pleasure derived from properly aged mature wines and with the recognition that a few years of storage can yield a stratospheric ROI, many more wines are finding their way to the cellar instead of the table upon purchase – which is a great thing!
Please note that some of the Moshiach wines are very limited edition wines that may not be easily available at your local retailer. While they may be a tad difficult to lay your hands on, I promise they are all worth the extra effort and additional expense. Additionally and as is the case with many of the best wines, many become Moshiach wines only after a few years of aging. As older vintages (that have been stored properly) are somewhat difficult to come by, the list includes the current vintage for many of the wines and, for a number of the wines I have included (at least one of) the vintages that makes the wine fit for the Moshiach (buy the current vintages, store them properly for a few years and voila – house-made Moshiach wines).
- Capcanes, Peraj Ha’Abib, 2014 (2000, 2005, 2008)
- Carmel, Limited Edition, 2011 (2007)
- Château Guiraud, Sauternes, 2001
- Château Léoville Poyferré, Saint Julien, 2005 (2003)
- Château Pape-Clement, Pessac-Leognan, 2014 [US]
- Château Pontet-Canet, Pauillac, 2003
- Château Rayne Vigneau, Sauternes, 2014
- Château Smith Haut Lafitte, Pessac-Léognan, 2009 (2000)
- Château de Valandraud, Saint-Émilion, 2005
- Covenant, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2015 (2007)
- Dalton, Matatia, 2006 (also 2008 [shmita / Israel])
- Domaine du Castel, Grand Vin, 2014 (2008) shmita / Israel)
- Domaine Rose Camille, Pomerol, 2012 (2005, 2006)
- ElviWines, Clos Mesorah, 2014 (2010) [US]
- Falesco, Marciliano, Cabernet, Umbria 2005 (also the 3 other 2005/2006 Falesco wines) [US]
- Flam, Noble, 2012 (2011) (also the 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve)
- Four Gates, Merlot, M.S.C., 2013 (2006) [US]
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Katzrin, 2008 [shmita]
- Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, Single Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon, Elrom, 2008 [shmita]
- Gvaot, Masada, 2014 (2007)
- Hagafen, Prix, Mélange, 2009 (2005) [US]
- Hajdu, Proprietary Red, 2014 (2011) [US]
- Herzog, Special Edition, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chalk Hill, 2014 (2009) [mevushal]
- Tzora, Misty Hills, 2014 (2008 [shmita])
- Yatir, Forest, 2011 (2006)